Visit to Republic of Belarus

November 28, 2021

The president of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NDK), Dr. Zafer DEMİRCAN, and his delegation paid a visit to the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant on 24-28 May 2021 for examinations.

NDK Delegation under the Presidency of Dr. Zafer DEMIRCAN paid a visit to Minsk, Republic of Belarus, between 24-28 May 2021, to participate in the Coordination Meetings and to conduct inspections at the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant in Grondo. Within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation and information exchange in the field of nuclear safety and radiation protection, signed on August 4, 2020 between NDK and the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Ministry of Emergency Situations (Gosatomnadzor). NDK Delegation under the Presidency of Dr. Zafer DEMIRCAN paid a visit to the city of Minsk, in order to participate in the Coordination Talks and to conduct inspections at the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant in  Grondo.

Nuclear and radiation safety, development of regulatory infrastructure, licensing of activities in the field of nuclear energy use, inspection of nuclear power plant construction were discussed in the meetings between the delegations.

Speaking at the meetings hosted by the Belarusian Deputy Minister of Emergencies Anatoly Dolgolevets; he emphasized that Belarus and Türkiye have a lot in common and that both countries are new in the nuclear energy sector. The head of Gosatomnadzor Olga Lugovskaya described the historic nature of the visit as the beginning of official interaction between Gosatomnadzor and NDK based on the agreement signed by the parties in 2020. She said she hoped such gatherings would become a good tradition. NDK President Dr. Zafer Demircan thanked her Belarusian colleagues for the organization of the visit and cooperation. He emphasized the importance and mutual benefits of experience sharing in order to improve regulatory activities in the two countries.

After the bilateral meetings, our delegation visited the Belarusian NPP in Ostrovets, which is the equivalent of the Russian designed VVER-1200 reactors to be used in the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant.

The President of NDK, Dr. DEMİRCAN and his Delegation visited the Minsk Ambassador Mr. Mehmet ÖZCAN and consultations were held.

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