The Nuclear Regulatory Authority and The Ministry of Health Signed a Cooperation Protocol

December 20, 2023

The Nuclear Regulatory Authority and The Ministry of Health signed a cooperation protocol.


“Cooperation Protocol on Providing the Efficiency of Regulatory Control in Medical Exposure” was signed by the Nuclear Regulatory Authority and the Ministry of Health.

"Cooperation Protocol on Providing the Efficiency of Regulatory Control in Medical Exposure" was signed between the Nuclear Regulatory Authority and Ministry of Health on December 18, 2023, for the purpose of determining the procedures and principles that pertain to the effectiveness of coordination for medical exposures in radiation practices that involve the utilization of ionizing radiation sources and equipment for medical purposes, as well as establishing cooperation on the compatibility of the regulations and inspections conducted by the parties.

In accordance with the safety standards of the International Atomic Energy Agency, this protocol aims to improve the compatibility and efficiency of the inspections and regulations conducted by both parties, to establish legislation and guiding regulations for the radiation protection of patients, workers, companions, medical research volunteers, and the public in the context of medical exposure.

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