RADISA Contract Has Been Signed With TENMAK

December 2, 2022

Service Procurement Contract for the Maintenance and Repair of RADISA Stations Was Signed Between NDK and TENMAK

“The Contract Regarding the Goods and Services to be Obtained from TENMAK within the Scope of the Establishment and Maintenance and Repair Activities of NDK's RADISA Stations” was signed between our Authority and the Turkish Energy, Nuclear and Mineral Research Institute on October 20, 2022.

With the aforementioned contract, national radiation monitoring activities carried out by our Authority and the installation, maintenance and repair services of RADISA stations will be performed by TENMAK.

At the signing ceremony, our President Dr. Zafer DEMIRCAN said that:

“This protocol covers possible outdoor radiation measurements in Türkiye and the use of TENMAK's technical and scientific capabilities (such as infrastructure, hardware, software) for our measurement needs at customs and in regions where we are sensitive in terms of radiation such as Iğdır and Akkuyu. It is a matter of bringing the radiation infrastructure of Türkiye to the desired level as soon as possible and equipping it with that technology. Our work aims to create an infrastructure that will set an example for other countries.”

Speaking at the ceremony held for the maintenance contract, TENMAK President Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir BALIKCI mentioned that:

“NDK is our biggest stakeholder as an institution. We are two organizations which complement each other. We would like to continue to provide our support regarding the technical infrastructure of NDK as much as we can. In the meantime, we want to develop systems with up-to-date technology by developing our own technical infrastructure and use them for the benefit of our country. This first protocol we have made in this field will be a good start for our future work. Studies in the field of nuclear energy in Türkiye are at the initial state. We have a lot of work to do. By increasing our cooperation in this field, we will create a new synergy and carry out new works together. I wish this protocol to be beneficial for all of us and our country.”

What is “RADISA” (Radiation Monitoring and Warning System Network)?

Continuous observation and measurement are made for a radiation emergency situation that may occur in the country or abroad. These measurement and observation processes are carried out with the "Radiation Monitoring and Warning System Network", whose short name is "RADISA".

RADISA stations, which are established in different parts of our country, especially in the border regions, automatically transfer the radiation measurement data it has accumulated in its memory to the Central Station in Ankara, together with an alarm warning in case of a possible increase in the radiation level due to a possible radioactive contamination or a malfunction in the system. Thus, necessary intervention can be carried out by making plans for a radiation emergency that may occur in the country or abroad.

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